if p(v461) then ' ' if s(v461^9,v461^l)<>'' or v461^x:','then v461^x else if v461^x:' 'then &unifor('G0 'v461^x),', ' if &unifor('G2 'v461^x):'. ' then &unifor('G2 'v461^x) else &unifor('G0.'&unifor('G2 'v461^x)),'. '&unifor('G2.'&unifor('G2 'v461^x)) if &unifor('G2.'v461^x):'.' then '.'fi fi, else v461^x fi fi,v461^b, &uf('+7W961#'(if p(v961^z) then if s(v961^1,v961^c,v961^f)<>''then' (',v961^1, if s(v961^1)<>''then" ; "d961^c fi,v961^c, if s(v961^1,v961^c)<>''then| ; |d961^f fi,v961^f,')',", "v961^7'. ' else ", "v961^7 |.|d961^g,| |d961^a fi fi), ),if g961:'(' and &uf('Av461^x#1'):'(' then else g961 fi, if (v461^x:','or p(v461^b))and g961='' then'.'fi, if s(v461^x,v461^b)=''and s(v961^z,v962^z)<>''then (if p(v961^z) then v961^a,| |v961^d,|, |v961^g, if a(v961^g)then|, |v961^b fi' ', if s(v961^1,v961^c,v961^f)<>''then' (',v961^1, if s(v961^1)<>''then" ; "d961^c fi,v961^c, if s(v961^1,v961^c)<>''then| ; |d961^f fi,v961^f,'). ' else|.|d961^g,| |d961^a fi fi), (if p(v962^z) then|. |+d962^z,v962^a, if s(v962^n,v962^c)<>''then' ('v962^n| ; |,v962^c')'fi,|. |v962^b, if s(v962^d,v962^f,v962^e)<>''then' ('v962^d| ; |,v962^f, if p(v962^f)then| ; |v962^e else v962^e fi,| / |v962^h,| / |v962^i,')' fi fi) fi, (if v509^2:'1' then if p(v509) then mhu,v509^g.1,mhl,v509^g*1,| |d509^g,| - |+v509^a, if p(v509^b) and p(v509^x) then| (|v509^f|)|,|. |v509^b,| (|v509^x|)| else |. |v509^b,| (|v509^f|)| fi,|, |v509^h,|, |v509^I,|, |v509^J,| (|v509^c|)|," ("| - |+v509^e|)| fi fi),|. |d509^l,mhu,v509^l.1,mhl,v509^l*1,|. |v509^n,if v509^2:'1' then '.'fi, if s(v461^x,v461^b,v961^z,v962^z,v981,v503)<>''or v509^2:'1' then'
',v461^c else' '&unifor('E3'v461^c)' ', if &unifor('F3'v461^c)<>''then' '&unifor('F3'v461^c) fi, fi, (|. |v46^h,if p(v46^i) then|, |v46^i else |. |v46^i fi, |. |v46^k,if p(v46^k) then|, |v46^m else |. |v46^m fi),| [|v461^2|]|, if a(v461^2) then &unifor('+1W1'''), if p(v101)then &unifor('+1W1#'&unifor('Kjzk.mnu|'&unifor('Av101#1'))) else &unifor('+1W1#0') fi, if a(v900^t) then if s(v230v337v135)<>''then if &unifor('+1R1')<>''then' [Электронный ресурс] ' else' [Electronic resource]'fi else if s(&unifor('IPrivate,FPS,'),v905^s)<>'' then else if &unifor('+1R1')<>''then ' [Текст]' else ' [Text]' fi fi fi else if v900^t='a' and s(&unifor('IPrivate,FPS,'),v905^s)<>'' then else ' [', if &unifor('+1R1')<>''then &unifor("Koomr.mnu|"v900^t) else &unifor("Koomi.mnu|"v900^t) fi,']', fi fi fi, | = |v46^l, (if p(v461) then if p(v461^e) then ' : ', if s(&uf('Av982^0#1'),&uf('Av982^9#1'))<>'' or &uf('Av905^2#1'):'3' or &unifor('Q'v461^e*1.1)<>v461^e*1.1 or &unifor('Kjznv.mnu\'&unifor("Av101#1"d903))<>'' then v461^e else &unifor('Q'v461^e.1),v461^e*1 fi else if s(&unifor('IPRIVATE,EEE,'),v905^2)<>'' then else if p(v461^c) and &unifor('Av900^c#1')<>'' and &unifor('K200ehd.mnu|'&unifor('Av900^c#1'))<>'' then ' : ',j-o461e, fi fi fi fi),| : |v982^1, if p(v461^f) then' / ' if p(v905^1) or &unifor('Av903#1')<>'' then v461^f else ,j-o461fz,fi else if p(v905^1) then else if s(v461^x,v461^7,v961^x,v961^a)<>'' or s(v461^b,v962)<>'' and (not(v962^u):'3') or v961^b<>''and v961^a=''then' / ',j-o461f,fi, fi fi,|. - |v461^p,". - "d230^a, (if p(v230^a) then if &unifor('Kjzk.mnu|'&unifor('Av101#1'))<>''then""| и |+v230^a else ""| and |+v230^a fi fi), ,j-ovixdm,if a(v215^d) then |. - |v461^r fi, (". - ("| (|+v46^a,| : |v46^e,| / |v46^f,|, ISSN |v46^j,| ; |v46^v,if s(v46^a,v46^v)<>''then|)|d46 fi, |. - |v46^t*4,| : |v46^r,|. - |v46^p, if p(v46^c) then'. - ',|До |v46^g,' Издание см. под заглавием: 'v46^c,| / |v46^d,|. - ISSN |v46^x,'. 'fi), if s(v454^u)<>'' then ,j-origs454_H, fi ,|. - Пер.загл. : |v461^a, if s(v337v230^d)<>''then'
' (if p(v230) then if v230^x<>'0'then" Систем. требования: "|. |+v230^d,| (|v230^e|)| fi fi), (|. - Режим доступа: |v337^d,|. - |v337^e,|. - |v337^f,|. - |v337^g,|. - |v337^h,|. - |v337^a) fi,|. - |v461^t| экз.|, if v10^a:v461^i then else|. - ISBN |v461^i,| (|v461^v|)| fi, if v10^z:v461^1 then else |. - ISBN |v461^1| (ошибочный)| fi, (|. - ISSN |v461^j.4,if v461^j:'-'then v461^j*4.5 else |-|v461^j*4.4 fi),'.','
' fi,