mhl, (if p(v488)then if p(v488^8) then else '
' if p(v488^t) then if val(&uf('J'v488^#',I='v488^T))>0 then, v488^1|: |, if v488^#=&uf('+D') or a(v488^#) then else | (~~â ÁÄ~~ |v488^#|) |fi, '', if s(v488^z,v488^c)='' then &uf('D'v488^#',?I='v488^T,'?,@brief') fi '' fi else v488^1|: |, fi,, if p(v488^9) then if v488^9='1' then v488^x else &unifor('E'v488^9,v488^x), if p(v488^?)then |, |v488^? else if &unifor('F'v488^9,v488^x)<>'' then ', '&unifor('F'v488^9,v488^x) fi fi,'.' fi else if v488^x:',' then v488^x|.| else if v488^x:' ' then &unifor('G0 'v488^x),|, |v488^?|.| if a(v488^?) then if v488^x:'.' then ', ' if v488^x:'. ' then &unifor('G2 'v488^x) else &unifor('G0.'&unifor('G2 'v488^x)),'. ' &unifor('G2.'v488^x) fi else ', '&unifor('G2 'v488^x)'.' fi fi else v488^x,|, |v488^?,|.|d488^x, fi fi fi,| |d488^x,v488^z,|. |v488^v, if p(v488^v) then | : |v488^c else ' 'v488^c fi,| : |v488^e, if s(&unifor('Av488^r#1'),&unifor('Av488^s#1'))<>''then', 'fi,v488^r, if p(v488^s) then if p(v488^r) then' : 'fi,v488^s fi, if s(v488^k,v488^l)<>''then', 'fi,v488^k, if p(v488^l) then if p(v488^k) then' : 'fi,v488^l| | fi, if p(v488^f) or p(v488^x) and &unifor('Av905^1#1')='' then' / ',o488f, fi, |. -|v488^n,|. - |v488^d, if p(v488^j) then | // |v488^j else if s(v488^d,v488^g,v488^t)='' then if &unifor('Kjzk.mnu|'&unifor('Av101#1'))<>'' or &unifor('Av101#1')='' then '. - [~~Á. ì. : á. è.~~]'else'. - [S. l. : s. n.]'fi else if a(v488^d) and a(v488^t) then if a(v101) or &unifor('Kjzk.mnu|'&unifor('Av101#1'))<>'' or &unifor('Av101#1')=''then'. - [~Á. ì.]'else'. - [S. l.]'fi fi,| : |v488^g, fi,|, |v488^h, fi,|. - |v488^4, if p(v488^4)then if v488^4:'ñ' or v488^4:'c' or v488^4:'p' or v488^4:'s' then else &unifor('Korg.mnu|4')'.'fi fi, if a(v488^4) and p(v488^$) then |. - |v488^$ fi, | : |v488^0*2,|. - (|v488^q,| ; |v488^m,|)|d488^q,|. - |v488^p,|. - ISBN |v488^i, if s(v905^f,&unifor('IPRIVATE,FPK,'))='1'then else". ~~Êë.ñëîâà~~: "d488^5, if s(v905^f,&unifor('IPRIVATE,FPK,'))='2'then mpu,v488^5,|, |v488^6,|, |v488^7,mhl else if s(v905^f,&unifor('IPRIVATE,FPK,'))='3'then &unifor('Q'v488^5, |, |v488^6,|, |v488^7) else v488^5,|, |v488^6,|, |v488^7 fi fi fi, |. Äðóãèå àâòîðû#: |v488^w fi fi), mpl,