mhl, if 'ASP AUNTD':v920 then if v203='' and (v900^T='' or v900^T:'a') and v200^a<>'' and a(v955)then '. - Текст : непосредственный' else if &uf('Av203#2')=''then ". - "v203^A,". "v203^B,". "v203^D,". "v203^E,". "v203^F,". "v203^G,". "v203^I,". "v203^K,". "v203^L,if s(v203^O,v203^P,v203^U,v203^Y,v203^T,v203^R,v203^W,v203^Q,v203^X,v203^V,v203^Z)<>'' then ' ('v203^O,", "v203^P,", "v203^U,", "v203^Y,", "v203^T,", "v203^R,", "v203^W,", "v203^Q,", "v203^X,", "v203^V,", "v203^Z,')' fi," : "v203^C," : "v203^1," : "v203^2," : "v203^3," : "v203^4," : "v203^5," : "v203^6," : "v203^7," : "v203^8 else if &uf('Av203#2')<>'' and &uf('Av203#4')='' then '. - ',(| + |+v203^A,|. |v203^B,|. |v203^D,|. |v203^E,|. |v203^F,". "v203^G,|. |v203^I,|. |v203^K,|. |v203^L,if s(v203^O,v203^P,v203^U,v203^Y,v203^T,v203^R,v203^W,v203^Q,v203^X,v203^V,v203^Z)<>'' then ' ('v203^O,|, |v203^P,|, |v203^U,|, |v203^Y,|, |v203^T,|, |v203^R,|, |v203^W,", "v203^Q,|, |v203^X,|, |v203^V,|, |v203^Z,')' fi,| : |v203^C,| : |v203^1,| : |v203^2,| : |v203^3,| : |v203^4,| : |v203^5,| : |v203^6,| : |v203^7,| : |v203^8) else if &uf('Av203#4')<>'' then '. - Разные виды содержания : разные средства доступа' fi fi fi fi fi, if s(v963^1)=''then" // "d463 else'. - 'v963^1 fi, if p(v463)then if s(v963^x,v963^b)<>''and s(v961^a,v962)='' then (if s(v463,v963)<>'' then | ; |+v963^x,|, |+v963^b, if s(v963^x,v963^b)<>''then if v963^x|!|:'.!'then | |v463^c else |. |v463^c fi, else"\b "| ; \b |+v463^7|\b0 |, if a(v463^7) then"\b "| ; \b |+v463^c|\b0 | fi fi, | = |v463^x,| = |v463^y,| = |v463^z,| : |v963^e, if s(v963^x,v961)<>''then if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d963):'08'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d963):'12' then else| / |v963^f, if a(v963^f) and &unifor('Av905^1#1')='' and s(v961,v962)<>'' then' / ' &unifor('6O963f'), fi fi fi,|. - |v963^p, if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'08'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'12' then else |. - |v463^d,| : |v463^g,v463^4 fi, if p(v463^c)then if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'08'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'12' then |. - |v463^j else if s(v463^d,v463^g)<>''then|, |v463^j else|. - |v463^j fi, fi,|. - \b |v463^v|\b0 |, if p(v463^v)then| : |v463^a else|. - |v463^a fi, | = |v463^r, if s(v463^v,v463^a)<>''then|, \b |v463^h|\b0 | else|. - \b |v463^h|\b0 | fi, if p(v463^h) then| : |v463^i else|. |v463^i fi else |\b |+v463^v|\b0 |, if p(v463^v)then| : |v463^a else v463^a fi, | = |v463^r, if s(v463^v,v463^a)<>''then |, \b |v463^h|\b0 | else|\b |v463^h|\b0 | fi, if s(v463^v,v463^a,v463^h)<>''then if p(v463^h)then| : |v463^i else|. |v463^i fi else v463^i fi fi,|, \b |v463^k|\b0 |, if p(v463^k)then| : |v463^l else|. |v463^l fi,|. - Ст. |v463^N,|. - |v463^1|. |, if s(v463^1)=''then if p(v463^s)then'. -',mpu, if v463^s:'с'or v463^s:'л'or v463^s:'c'or v463^s:'p'or v463^s:'S'or val(v463^s,'a0')=0 then else if &uf('Kjz_str_ogl.mnu\'&uf('Av101#1'))<>'' then &uf('Kjz_str_ogl.mnu\'&uf('Av101#1')) else &unifor('Korg.mnu|4') fi '. ', fi,mhl, fi fi,v463^s,| : |d463^0, if v463^0*1.1='-'then v463^0*2 else v463^0 fi, ". -"| (|v963^a,| / |v963^o,| ; |v963^v,|)|d963^a, fi) , if p(v115) or p(v123) or p(v125) or p(v126) or p(v130) or p(v135) or p(v230) or p(v915) or p(v916) then,&unifor('S0'), if s(v230,v337)<>'' then if v230^x='2' then '. - '&unifor('Av463^c#'f(val(v230^e),0,0),|0|n230^e)," : "d230^e ( if p(v230^a) then if &unifor('Kjzk.mnu|'&unifor('Av101#1'))<>''then". - "| и |+v230^a else ". - "| and |+v230^a fi, fi, ". - \b Систем. требования:\b0 "d230^d,v230^d,| (|v230^e|)| |. - Режим доступа: |v337^d,|. - |v337^e,|. - |v337^f,|. - |v337^g,|. - |v337^h,|. - |v337^a) fi fi fi, else if (v961<>'' or v962<>'' and (not(v962^u):'3')) and s(v961^x)='' and &unifor('Av963#2')='' then '\b ' if s(v963^x,v963^b)=''and s(v961^z,v962^z)<>''then (if p(v961^z) then v961^a,| |v961^d,|, |v961^g, if p(v961^g) then|. |d463^c fi, if a(v961^g) then| |v961^b,| |d463^c fi fi), (if p(v962^z) then v962^a, if s(v962^n,v962^c)<>''then' ('v962^n| ; |,v962^c')'fi,|. |v962^b, if s(v962^d,v962^f,v962^e)<>''then' ('v962^d| ; |,v962^f, if p(v962^f)then| ; |v962^e else v962^e fi,| / |v962^h,| / |v962^i,')' fi,if &unifor('Av463#1')<>''then'. 'fi fi) fi,'\b0 ' fi, (if p(v463) then | ; |+d463, if s(v963^x,v963^b,v961^z,v962^z)<>''then v463^c else v463^7,if a(v463^7) then v463^c fi fi, | = |v463^x,| = |v463^y,| = |v463^z,| : |v963^e, if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'08'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'12' then else | / |v963^f, if &unifor('Av963^f#1')='' and &unifor(|Av905^1#1|d463)='' then if v961<>'' or v962<>'' and (not(v962^u):'3') then ' / ' &unifor(|6o963f|d463) fi fi fi, |. - |v963^p, if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'08'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'12'then else |. - |v463^d,| : |v463^g,v463^4 fi, if p(v463^c)then if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'08'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d463):'12'then |. - |v463^j else if s(v463^d,v463^g)<>''then|, |v463^j else|. - |v463^j fi, fi, |. - \b |v463^v|\b0 |, if p(v463^v)then|: |v463^a else|. - |v463^a fi, | = |v463^r, if s(v463^v,v463^a)<>''then|, \b |v463^h|\b0 | else|. - \b |v463^h|\b0 | fi, if p(v463^h) then| : |v463^i else|. |v463^i fi else|\b |+v463^v|\b0 |, if p(v463^v)then| : |v463^a else v463^a fi, | = |v463^r, if s(v463^v,v463^a)<>''then |, \b |v463^h|\b0 | else|\b |v463^h|\b0 | fi, if s(v463^v,v463^a,v463^h)<>''then if p(v463^h)then|: |v463^i else|. |v463^i fi else v463^i fi fi,|, \b |v463^k|\b0 |, if p(v463^k)then| : |v463^l else|. |v463^l fi,|. - Ст. |v463^N,|. - |v463^1|. |, if s(v463^1)=''then if p(v463^s)then'. -',mpu, if v463^s:'с'or v463^s:'л'or v463^s:'c'or v463^s:'p'or v463^s:'S'or val(v463^s,'a0')=0 then else if &uf('Kjz_str_ogl.mnu\'&uf('Av101#1'))<>'' then &uf('Kjz_str_ogl.mnu\'&uf('Av101#1')) else &unifor('Korg.mnu|4') fi '. ', fi,mhl, fi fi,v463^s,| : |d463^0, if v463^0*1.1='-'then v463^0*2 else v463^0 fi fi), if p(v115) or p(v123) or p(v125) or p(v126) or p(v130) or p(v135) or p(v230) or p(v915) or p(v916) then, &unifor('S0'), fi, if s(&unifor('IPrivate,PSA,'),v905^6)<>'' then oser fi, (if p(v963) then if s(&unifor('IPrivate,PSA,'),&uf('Av905^6#1'))<>''and &uf('Av225#1')<>''and &uf('Av225^n#1')<>'0' then else ". -"d963^a fi,| (|v963^a,| / |v963^o,| ; |v963^v,|)|d963^a,fi) fi, (| + |v215^e,| |d215^2,&unifor('G2='v215^2)), if p(v230) and (not(v230^x='2')) then ". - \b Систем. требования:\b0 "d230^d,&unifor('S0'), (if p(v230) then if v230^x='' then |. |+d230^d,&unifor('S1') else if v230^x='1' then if &unifor('S1A')='1' then|Прил. :|d230^d else | ; Прил.:|d230^d fi fi fi,v230^d,| (|v230^e|)| fi), (|. - Режим доступа: |v337^d,|. - |v337^e,|. - |v337^f,|. - |v337^g,|. - |v337^h,|. - |v337^a) fi,|. - |v314,|. - |v912,|. - |v320,|. - |v327, if p(v330) and p(v905^k) then if v905^k='0' then else '. - ',if v905^k='1'then 'Из содерж.: 'else &unifor('Av905^k#1') fi (if p(v330) then v330^c, if s(v330^g,v330^f)<>''then' / 'fi,v330^g, if a(v330^g) then ,o330g,fi if p(v330^g) then if v330^g|!|:'.!' then else '.'fi if v330=&uf('Av330#'&unifor('+N330')) then else ' ' fi, else mhl,v330.1+| ; |,mpl, fi fi) fi fi, if &uf('Av905^m#1')='' then |. - |v300 fi,origp454, if s(v230,v337)<>'' then if v230^x='2' then '. - '&unifor('Av463^c#'f(val(v230^e),0,0),|0|n230^e)," : "d230^e, (if p(v230^a) then if &unifor('Kjzk.mnu|'&unifor('Av101#1'))<>''then ""| и |+v230^a else ""| and |+v230^a fi, fi, ". - "d230^a,"\b Систем. требования:\b0 "d230^d,v230^d, if s(v230^a,v230^d)<>''then". - "d337 fi, if 'l2 l1':v900^T then ELSE v337^d,|. - |v337^e,|. - |v337^f,|. - |v337^g,|. - |v337^h,|. - |v337^a'.' FI) fi fi, (if s(v463,v963)<>'' then |. - |v463^p, if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d963):'08'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d963):'12' or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d963):'16'then|. - ISSN |v963^i.4, if v963^i:'-'then v963^i*4.5 else |-|v963^i*4.4 fi, else if &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d963):'09'or &unifor(|Av900^b#1|d963):'10' then|. - ISBN |v963^i fi fi fi), if p(v19) and v19^x<='0'then", "d963^i,". - "n963^i, (if v19^x<='0'then|\b |v19^a*2|\b0 |,| |v19^b fi) fi, (|. - № ГР |v982^4,|. - Инв.№ |v982^5),'. ',if v951^i<>'' then '. - \b URL: \b0 ' &uf('+7W1#'(v951^i,if v951^3<>'' then if (not(v900^T:'l2'))then | (дата обращения |d951^3,v951^3*6.2,'.',v951^3*4.2'.',v951^3.4'). ', else |. - дата публикации: |d951^3,v951^3*6.2,'.',v951^3*4.2'.',v951^3.4'.' fi fi,if v951^4<>'' then '. - Режим доступа: ',v951^4 fi)),(|, |+g1), fi,(if 'l2 l1':v900^t then else |. - |v337^e,|. - |v337^f,|. - |v337^g,|. - |v337^h,|. - |v337^a fi), ,orefres, if p(v963^a) or p(v225)and s(&unifor('IPrivate,PSA,'),&uf('Av905^6#1'))<>''and v225^n='' then else if p(v463^w) then'\par (Шифр',if &unifor('Av463^w#2')<>''then 'ы'fi,' в БД ' (if p(v463) then | ; |+v463^w,&unifor('D,!I='v463^w,'!,if p(v463) then| // |v463^w fi') fi),")"d463^w fi fi if v905^m<>'' then |\par |v300 fi, fi,