'', &uf('+7W11#'), &uf('+7W11#'&uf(|D,?I=|d933,&uf('Av933#1'),|?,&uf('Kjz_str_ogl.mnu\'&uf('Av101#1'))|d933)), (if p(v922)then'
' if p(v922^q) then else if p(v922^x) then &uf('+S1' if v922^x='1' then v922^f else &unifor('E'v922^x,v922^f), if p(v922^?)then |, |v922^? else if &unifor('F'v922^x,v922^f)<>'' then ', '&unifor('F'v922^x,v922^f) fi fi,'.' fi), else &uf('+S1' if v922^f:',' then v922^f|.| else if v922^f:' ' then &unifor('G0 'v922^f),|, |v922^?|.| if a(v922^?) then if v922^f:'.' then ', ' if v922^f:'. ' then &unifor('G2 'v922^f) else &unifor('G0.'&unifor('G2 'v922^f)),'. ' &unifor('G2.'v922^f) fi else ', '&unifor('G2 'v922^f)'.' fi fi else v922^f,|, |v922^?,|.|d922^f, fi fi) fi,| |d922^f, fi if s(v922^(,v922^))<>''then v922^(,| |v922^),'. 'fi, if p(v922^u) then if f(val(v922^u),0,0)=v922^u then else if v922^u:'/' then &uf('G2/'v922^u)'. ' fi fi fi, if v922^]<>''then if v922^[='1'then '', else if v922^[='0'then '',fi fi fi &uf('+S1'v922^c),'',| : |v922^e, if p(v922^f) and &uf('Av905^1#1')='' or p(v922^g) then ' / ', if &uf('Av905^1#1')<>'' then v922^g else if (v922^g:&unifor('G0 'v922^f) or v922^g:&unifor('G0,'v922^f)) and (v922^g:&unifor('G2 'v922^f) or v922^g:&unifor('G2 'v922^f.1) or v922^g:v922^?) or v922^g:v922^f and a(v922^?) or a(v922^f) then v922^g else ,o922gnj,| ; |v922^g fi, fi, fi, if p(v922^4)then'. - ', if v922^4:'s'or v922^4:'p'or v922^4:'с'then else mpu, if &uf('Ag11#1')<>'' then &uf('Ag11#1') else &unifor('Korg.mnu|4') fi,mpl,'.' fi,v922^4,|. - |v922^p, fi, if v922^0*1.1='-'then| : |v922^0*2 else| : |v922^0 fi, if p(v922^w) then'
Другие авторы: ' if v922^s='' then v922^2 fi, if v922^t='' then |, |n922^s,v922^3 fi, if s(v922^2,v922^3)<>'' and s(v922^s,v922^t)='' then ', ' fi, v922^w fi, if s(&unifor('Av905^f#1'),&unifor('IPRIVATE,FPK,'))='1'then else|
Кл.слова: |d922^5, if s(&unifor('Av905^f#1'),&unifor('IPRIVATE,FPK,'))='2' then mhu,v922^5,|, |v922^6,|, |v922^7,mpl else if s(&unifor('Av905^f#1'),&unifor('IPRIVATE,FPK,'))='3' then &unifor('Q'v922^5,|, |v922^6,|, |v922^7) else mhl,v922^5,|, |v922^6,|, |v922^7,mpl, fi fi fi fi)